Monday, May 16, 2005

Back in black (and blue)

After a near death experience for my computer we're back and we're in business. I was worried for several days that I would not only lose everything on my computer but the computer itself but thankfully Toshiba guarded against power surges.

So...on to other things. My advice for you when you come to Moscow: pay for someone else to take care of everything (visa's, registration, etc.), find very comfortable shoes, use bathroom before you leave hotel or wherever you stay and don't get involved with sheisters.

Every time I go out I usually have a plan of where I want to go and it usually never turns out that way. I head for one thing, usually a Church or store, and see something a long the way and get sidetracked- or I get lost and end up walking for what seems like miles upon miles- or I'm looking for a johnny on the spot as they're sometimes hard to come by (and generally when you find one it's 10 rubles [although there are some free ones fairly close to the Kreml]). Today I set out to find a bookstore (that I had actually already been to)-even had directions-and still failed to find. I ended up walking for probably an hour an a half in the same neighborhood; I gave up several times then deciding to try one more street. Some guy came up to me while I was looking at a map at the busstop and asked me where the store was I was actually looking for, interesting eh? We talked a minute and he said something I didn't understand (I think he went to ask for directions) so I started walking again. I should have stuck around him as he probably found it whereas I didn't.

So that's about it...


At 12:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

getting dat all da can really get on ur nerves..but u might end up finding something good..:)

At 12:19 PM, Blogger Jacob Aleksander said...

Breaking news...I found out that where I was standing looking at the map when the guy asked me about the bookstore turned out to be right in front of the bookstore... Would it hurt them to put a sign outside, or any form of advertisement about the store?


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